Here are some links to pages of friends, Kennel Clubs and other interesting sites.

Xanaghans Afghans (Finland)
Tähtisateen Afghans (Finland) Choice Afghans (Finland)

Abica Afghans (Denmark) Le Menuel Galopin (France)
Boxadan Afghans (Denmark) Oshanameh's Afghans (Estonia)
Sheralji Afghans (Finland) New Fashion Afghans (Sweden)
Kennel Poppyfield (Norway) Zhannel's Afghans (Finland)
Alexandra Schütz (Scent of Fame Kennel -Germany)
Pices Afghans (Finland) Pramya Afghans (Finland)
Popovs Kennel (Netherlands) (Finland)
Debra-Pomrening-Virtanen (Finland) Tuohi-Tikan Kennel (Finland)
Kennel Clubs and Afghan Hound Webpages
The Afghan Hound Club of Finland Afghan Hounds of Norway
Afghan Hounds Online The Afghan Hound Club of America
Afghan Hound Club of Sweden Club FALAPA (France)
Kirman Afghans and Salukis (Finland)
Other Sites
Afghan Hound World Congress 2005 Showdogs in South Africa
Afghan Hound World Congress 2014
Dog World of South Africa Nordic Wellbeing 
Here is my banner. Please feel free to take a copy to your website for your links.

updated February 26, 2013.
All logos, text and photos are copyrighted.